10 ways to put together a proper wardrobe

Gym shorts, sweatpants and sport bra, if you are dressing up for the day worn out tees in your favorite hoodie might be your signature style at the moment but rest assured alesers, it's merely a season so why not use this time to put together a proper wardrobe.
One that inspires you, one that make you feel like a million dollars and one that does not waste your time everyday.

Let me be your personal shopper and I'll show how you can achieve perfect wardrobe.

1. Create an inspiration board of clothing you love

Find your style easier said than done right, what the hack in my style? 
Anyway, I hear you asking as you sheepishly look across your bed into your closet that won't close properly because it's crammed with clothing.
Here's how to pinpoint it find out who your style icon is so who on social media, do you look up to for fashion inspiration pin them to your fashion folder, find the common thread in your likes, once you have spent some time doing this you will have a good idea of your own clothing style and you can expand from there and this knowledge takes us perfectly into 

2. Decide on your signature look and purchase foundation basic

So, you have chosen your signature look after spending some time pinning your favorite styles that half the battle one and now it's time to go shopping except you are not going to beeline for the latest pieces or something pretty that catches your eye nope, you are going to be making some wise decisions and purchase the basics of your wardrobe that you will be able to mix and match in the future by now I'm sure you have a good idea of your body shape, there's no point in buying a dress made to suit an hourglass figure if you are a definite pair foundation basics for any shape or size include tank top, short sleeve tees, long sleeve tees, pair of jeans that fit beautifully, cardi, jacket, LBD,  black pants and once you have those as your basics, you will amazed at what you can do with them but here's the challenge how do you get rid of the stuff already in your closet without it breaking your heart ? 
I'll tell you how 

3. Declutter your wardrobe by asking your self four question

Have you worn the item in the last year?
Does that item of clothing fit into your daily lifestyle? 
Does it match your other clothing?
Do you love it ?

I know it's hard to part with these items especially when they bring back great memories but once you are rid of the excess you will feel a lot lighter in so many ways like the author of the joy of less Francine Jay said " your home is living space, not storage space and here's a fabulous idea of how to ensure you are ditching the right things.

4. Apply the flip the hanger approach for 12 months.

It is now time to recondo the shits out of your closest or if you are really unsure of what to toss and keep try the hanger hack, arrange all your hanger facing one directions after you have worn something.
Replace the hanger in the opposite direction after 12 months, you will have pretty good idea of what you do and don't, wear something that hasn't changed direction can be donated, sold or Tossed depending on the condition of the item. 
" The best way to choose what to keep and what to throw away is to take each item in one's hand and ask :
 Does it spark joy? 
If it does, keep it
If not, dispose of it"

This is not only the simplest but also the most accurate yardstick by which to judge.

5. Arrange your closet like a pro

Now that you have managed to sort out what you are keeping and what you are tossing, it's time to rearrange those things so, your closest flows before going out and hiring a professional closet organizer, yes those are legit, here are some simple ways to make your closest flow.

• Hang all tops, pants,  jacket, dresses and skirts in group and then color code them.
• Put winter clothing away during the warm months and do the same with your summer clothes when it's winter, professional closet organizers suggest color coding your storage space so hanger, shoe boxes, sock dividers and containers everything in its rightful place.

6. Before buying an item, make sure it matches at least 5 pieces in your closet 

It's all well and good to have our shoe boxes and hangers matching but if our shoes don't match what's hanging on the hanger well what's the point, how many great outfits have you opted not to wear because you have no shoes to match or how many stunning shoes, do you have gathering dust in your closet without the perfect outfit to go with them so, before you buy any item for your newly renovated closet space, make sure it can go with at least five other item already in your closet, that way you can be sure to get value from your purchase and have the pleasure of having a well put together outfit. 

7. Becoming a pro at mixing and matching

Mixing and matching takes practice and with time, you will have a great idea of what works and what doesn't, invest some time in this take your clothes out lay them on the bed and play around with different outfits to get creative with what you already have, photo of yourself in your outfit and then assess it even better you can have the most magical height in with some bubbly makeup, great hair and pull a real Carrie Bradshaw with some honest friends and try on everything in your closet. 

8. Keep your staples in similar color palette 

In order to be half decent at mixing and matching, it's best to keep your staples in a similar color palette, building your wardrobe around cool tones is a good place to start blues, grays and blacks are considered cool tones or you could opt for warmer ones of caramel ivory and burgundy, if you love color patterns and texture you can always add that to your accessories scarves, wraps, jewelry, hats and so on.

9. Don't keep things that you hope to fit into again 

We are all hanging on to something we wish we could fit into again, it's a nice thought but so unrealistic by longing for that item to fit us again, we rob ourselves of the joy in the right now, I'm not saying go out and smash your cake into your mouth because it's helpless and futile and you will never fit into those skinny jeans again what I'm say is let those skinny jeans go, keep going if you are opting for healthier dietary options but then instead of getting into your old ones, reward yourself with a new pair of jeans, when you are ready.

10. When you bring in something new, be sure to toss out something old 

Out with the old and in with the new that should be your mantra when buying clothes, even better bring one item in take two items out, it's time to get rid of clothing, if they fall into any of these categories 
• it smells or is badly stained 
• it makes you feel "MEH" when you wear it
• it was purely a trend and that ended in 2019
• it doesn't fit or it's not your style anymore 
• it itches, scratches, pulls, is uncomfortable.

Seriously who has time for any of that in their life.

Thank you for reading this, also don't forgot to checkout some best TOPS, JEANS, DRESSES AND JEWERLY ON MYNTRA

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