winter skin care routine for everyone

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During the winter time the environment really dries out our skin, no matter how much we moisturize our skin it ends up drying out and evaporating, that's why it is damn important to moisturize and hydrate the skin but also to prepare so that the moisture doesn't leave.
I have prepared five do's and five don't do's winter care of skin for dry skin in the winter time.


1. Daily habits to keep skin hydrated

Make sure the indoor environment is maintained between 18°c and 22°c and also 40% to 60% humidity levels and continuously moisturize with spray mist,
Excessive cleansing and showering could actually weaken your skin's barrier making
You lose more moisture so reduce the amount of times you cleanse and wipe your face, Rough fabric aggravates the skin and it can make the skin Itchy and dry so try to wear comfortable cotton clothing.

2. Eat foods that keep skin hydrated 

It as important to care for the skin interior wise as you care m for the exterior, Drink 1.5 to 2Ls of water every day and eat fruits and vegetables that are rich in moisture especially if you have dry skin. Try to take in food with amino acids such as broccoli and avocados, carrots and honey, They are all natural moisturizers.

3. Hydrating ingredients that will keep your skin moisturized 

Ingredients such as propolis, fentanyl, ceramides and avocado oil help moisturize the skin, The flavonoids contained is propolis helps remove the active oxygen that speeds aging in the skin and also helps with elasticity and moisturization, Use a nourishing ampoule that takes from the strong antioxidant properties of propolis, to strengthen the skin this could also fight inflammation and irritation and strengthen the skin's immunity, Ampules that are nourishing are perfect for the winter time and if they contain soothing properties like centella asiatica or hydrating properties like betaine it's even better.

4. Use oils that moisturizer the skin

During the winter when the wind is crazy cold your skin not only feel itchy but also painful from the super coldness, using purified vegetables oil or jojoba oil helps moisturize the skin and penetrate into the skin to help regenerate it, It particular I recommend you select natural oils to increase moisturizing power.

5. Hydrating post cleanse night care 

Generally 20% of the skin's moisture evaporates one minute after cleansing, Make sure you apply proper skin care on your face within five minutes at the latest. The main point of winter skin care is protection and nourishment. Maintain this against and strengthen the skin's barrier to prevent itchiness and dryness. Use a low PH level and give the instant softening and hydrating effect to the skin. Use a cleanser that not only exfoliates the skin but has angina properties that help fight acne and also has a peeling effect which gives you a toning effect and also hydrates the skin look for LHA and PHA which helps heal skin faster with extra antioxidant and inflammatory properties.

Don't do's 

1. Avoid skin drying habits 

Drying your hair before applying your skin care dries out your skin super worse. Make sure apply your skin care before drying your hair, when washing your hair especially when rinsing it out make sure you don't get shampoo or conditioner on your face no matter how gentle the surfactants and silicone contained in these, products can block your pores and create problems on your face.

2. Avoid foods that dry your skin

If you have a bad habit of eating fast food spicy food, salty food and oily foods often then you have a chance of not only making your skin dry but getting eczema acne or hives. Also it is important that you drink water over caffeinated drinks.

3. Don't use ingredients that dry out your skin

Alcohol and ethanol are famous for drying out the skin, Alcohol and ethanol can make the skin feel cool for a moment but long term use could actually strip away moisture from your skin and evaporate moisture you have so stay away from it, if these ingredients make a continuous contact with the skin it can even cause itchiness. 

4. Frequent exfoliation 

We often turn to exfoliation if our skin becomes rough and dry or if our makeup does not apply very well, however, frequent exfoliation could cause harsh irritation to the skin removing skin that should not be removed and eventually causing the layer of dead skin to be thicker but cleansing or using a mask before removing the layer built up dead skin also prevents absorption of moisture so when the skin is dry exfoliate just once or twice a week while giving the skin plenty of moisture. 

5. Harsh cleansing 

Harsh cleansing for dry skin in the is a definite no, we tend to use hot water when it's cold outside but hot water could actually lower our skin's temperature. This releases the skin's moisture and damages the layer of lipid within the skin's barrier because it is difficult to cleanse thoroughly using cold water, I recommend you use lukewarm water in particular it id best to use a low PH cleanser that is gentle, mild and hydrating on the skin.

Thank you for
reading this also don't forget to checkout some BEST moisturizer

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