5 confidence booster for women

 Hey, I'm going to be sharing with you things that confident women do and things that confident women don't do. 

Now before we get started, let me just say that we all have areas, where we are not living to our highest potential, This article is not about placing judgement on yourself or judgment on others, there could be things that I share today that may not resonate with you. 

This article is all about just to provide some confidence booster so to speak that you can take a look at to see how are you showing up

5 confidence booster for women or things for you to consider .

Confident women do not need to wear flashy brands

Big names and logos rarely signify an elevated taste level or style, but instead, its more about the status you are trying to display.

A confident and classy women does not need to put anything on display, as she has enough self assurance to shine without all the bling and nose.

Confident women dress appropriately for the occasion.

A confident women is not afraid to wear, what she wants and does not feel a need to conform to what others are wearing.

You will not see a confident women following all the latest influencers or trends,

She knows what flatters her body and what colors suit her best

A confident women knows, how to dress appropriately for any occasion, even if it does not depict her style taste.

                  For example, she may prefer a laid-back, casual style

While there is nothing wrong with comfortable and casual, the confident women knows that if she were going to a more formal function, Lets say a wedding funeral, job interview, or any professional setting, she would dress appropriately for those occasions and do it with class and grace.

Confident women do not do things purely to make them look successful

Buying an expensive car or luxury handbag that really can not afford may initially make one look successful, but if nothing else matches up. people will catch up

Confident women do not need 'things' to define them

A confident women that can back her luxury purchases, is never ' showy' but rather tends to be humble and discreet about her affluent lifestyle.

Confident women do not take adverting and social media too serious

Confident women knows that Instagram is a creative and people and influencer work hard to get the perfect picture.

They know that when they see picture homes, cozied-up couples, exotic vacations, and everything else - it does not necessarily mean more than a creative post 

Confident women do not need to prove their point on facebook by debating their beliefs with others.

she respects that she has thoughts and feelings based off of her own experiences and others do, as well 

Confident women do not need constant acknowledgement and validation from others.

Confident women never conform or yield to peer pressure.

Confident women know what's good for them and what is not 

They are not afraid to speak up if someone want's to sell them something or what's them to do something that does not serve them or their best interest 

Saying "no" comes easy for the confident lady

Confident women exhibit a high level of emotional intelligence, and are able to make an executive decision quickly and therefore rarely live with regret.

well there you have it,  things that the confident women does and things she does not do 5 confidence boosters or just things you to consider and see how you are showing up everything always boils down to if something is serving you or not, 

so, these are my tips and tricks for confident women, hope you guys found them helpful. 

here are some books that, I recommend you to read this 

Also read this 

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